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The Barberstation Utrecht | for a classic haircut or a traditional shave

The Barberstation – A way of life

One building stands out among the many restaurants on the Nachtegaalstraat. There’s a big wooden barber pole beside the door, and it quickly becomes evident on the street that there’s a real barber here: The Barberstation.

In a former life, owner Jean van Rossum was a drummer under the name Jean Monsou in various bands. But hairdressing is in his blood. On the Barberstation’s website, he shares that he used to be bothered by the way men’s hair was cut, and he took matters into his own hands with his own barber shops.

The shop interior is totally what a barbershop should be. No mirrors on the walls, but big wooden furniture with lots of drawers full of all sorts of things. Even the tiles on the floor are red, blue, and pretty much white. Just like the barber pole hanging by the door.

There are seven chairs in the shop, with the barbers in classic white jackets behind them. They’re ready to give each man a classic haircut or a traditional shave – or to get that classic haircut back into the right shape. Despite the high occupancy, you might sometimes have to wait.

And waiting is no punishment. When you come in, you’re offered coffee or beer (depending on the time of day), and you can take a seat in the Chesterfield – where you’ll sink so deeply that getting back up might be difficult. If you have to wait, you can look at all the stuff hanging on the walls: from different pictures of artists to the head of a wild boar wearing sunglasses.

It’s not only while waiting that can you can have a beer: while you’re getting your hair cut, the owner walks around and offers it too. Just relax you are in good hands while you are being shaved.

Now also in Utrecht, located at Nachtegaalstraat 66.

barberstation.nl for more information on The Barberstation.

Contribution by Bas Koppe

Foto’s ©: Lars Verkroost Photography