Explore UtrechtOur city, Your adventure

Discover the Dom Tower & Church

Explore Utrecht? I’ve been doing that for years! But then, shouldn’t I be ashamed that I have never been in the Domchurch before? Yes, I should. Shame on me. If I am going to write a blog about Art and Culture in Utrecht, I might as well start with the most known cultural heritage that exists in our midst. It stands out. The Dom.

I didn’t climb the tower yet, that will be my next step. Well, my next 465 steps to be exact. Because it takes a while to get to the top. I get exited thinking about the view, that must be amazing.

For now I stayed on ground level, there are more events in and around the Domchurch.

Just set foot in the church, on Saturdays it is usually open. You can enjoy some music or the beautiful Gothic architecture. On December 19th 2015 and January 16th, 2016 there will be ‘Night of Light’, the whole church is then enlightened with candles. The chance to admire the Domchurch in all its glory. And while you’re there, kindle a light.

Oh, and if you do not want to stay over ground, there is also DOMUnder. Here you can see archaeological discoveries and hear stories on the history of Utrecht, all is happening under street level. Climb up, crawl under, gather wisDOM!

For more information and tickets (DOMUnder & Towerclimbing): VVV Utrecht, Domplein 9 www.domunder.nl www.domkerk.nl

Night of Light: 19th of December and 16th of January 2016


Pictures are by Huib Dommers.