Explore UtrechtOur city, Your adventure

De Goedheyd

Year after year nominated as the best restaurant of Utrecht. So I had to experience that myself of course! De Goedheyd is situated opposite the old courthouse in the heart of Utrecht. Which has been converted into a hotel and restaurant. De Goedheyd: is food on gastronomic level! If you go here, just go for the full package: the 5 courses surprise menu. Sit back, experience and enjoy. The dishes are beautiful combinations of subtle flavours from the best ingredients. The warm ambiance, kind crew and the good wines compliment the food and add a little extra. Choose a special moment and you will have a special evening!

Address – Hamburgerstraat

Google [highlight]maps[/highlight]!

Pics are from the restaurant website!
De Goedheyd Cityguide Utrecht 2